"Take a hike! Seriously, this world is beautiful. Let it inspire you to do something amazing"
"Let your passion lead you to do crazy things ... like biking hundreds of miles for the environment"
"Go above and beyond for your friends and family,
jump at extraordinary opportunities to show others you love them"
"Don't keep track of the number of favors you do for friends"
"Never hesitate to laugh at yourself; its the most joyful proof of humility there is"
"Practice authenticity so much that you forget how to be any other way"
GEAR UP AND GO! In memory of Allison Smith
Quotes below from SUGGESTIONS FOR LIVING LIFE......Inspired by the way Allison lived hers.
Written by Heather, David, Jamila, Robin, Anika, Allie, & Megan
Go one step FURTHER...Just Because.Type your paragraph here.
"Don't just stand there ... DANCE !!!"
"Live your life on purpose"
"Be deeply thankful for what you have, while also striving to improve yourself and the world around you"
Type your paragraph here.